• Web standards, web usability and web accessibility best practice exists to make life easier for all users of the Internet.

    Any business that pays proper attention to these when building their website will be doing themselves, their visitors, the world, and their business a big favour.

    It is all about your website USERS

    Most users of the Internet are goal driven and are very impatient on the internet - they don’t like wasting time. Usability is about simplicity and following standards - making it as easy as possible for your users to do what it is they want to do.
    Accessibility is about making sure everyone has easy access to your information and services, regardless of the type of person, device, web browser and software they are using.
    Following web standards will help achieve usability and accessibility on your website and will enable your users to succeed with their tasks more often, but this is only really the beginning.

    Taking the right steps

    So how can you make sure your site is usable and accessible?
    1. Test against the automated web standards checks and guidelines
    2. Follow up with the manual tests and checks
    3. Perform structured and systematic user testing of your website and systems
    4. Look at integrating some of the established accessibility guidelines out there
    eKit CMS can help you implement all of the above, and indeed can automates many of the most basic and important usability and acecssibility steps.
    For more reading on the subject, see our downloads page.